Sustainability for the sake of sustainbility
You might have noticed ACCC, ASIC and even APRA getting in the mix of combatting "greenwashing"? Everything from "green practices" to "green investments" are under the microscope. Why? Because there is a lot of BS out there being spruiked as being "sustainable". Much of it using marketing spin that puts it in a grey area of truth. Greenwashing, if you haven't heard of it, is the practice of calling a product, practice, process, company sustainable. Using vague terminology or outright fibs, it is designed to mislead the consumer into believing that the product/practice/process/company is better than the others in their charge to protect the environment. Therefore encouraging them to purchase more from them than their competitors. Coming from my background, I saw a lot of greenwashing (alleged) in both my accounting days and also in the clothing industry. And it irks me. I hope those who practice greenwashing gets what's coming to them. But before I get off my high-horse, we also need to consider other elements as well. It is not always black and white. For starters, sustainability is really a spectrum. There is no (that I am aware of) fully sustainable products in the world. Yes, there are biodegradable, organic, etc. products, which can be great, but there is a cost to growing/making them. [...]